Endodontic Microsurgery

Dr. Paula Villa

23-25 OCT 2025

Edifício da MALO Clinic, Lisboa


23-25 OCT 2025

Edifício da MALO Clinic, Lisboa



This 15-attendee program aims to help specialists improve their abilities regarding endodontic microsurgery.

The course must be carried out at an appropriate location that facilities the preclinical practice process, as well as the use of operative microscopes.

Every attendee must have a laptop which they can use in order to do the CBCT analysis and pre-surgical planning as well the necessary instruments to perform the corresponding preclinical procedures.

Every equipment and material must be provided.


*This course is offered in partnership with MALO CLINIC Education


This 15-attendee program aims to help specialists improve their abilities regarding endodontic microsurgery.

The course must be carried out at an appropriate location that facilities the preclinical practice process, as well as the use of operative microscopes.

Every attendee must have a laptop which they can use in order to do the CBCT analysis and pre-surgical planning as well the necessary instruments to perform the corresponding preclinical procedures.

Every equipment and material must be provided.


*This course is offered in partnership with MALO CLINIC Education


Day 1:

  • Principles and basic aspects of endodoncia microsurgery
  • Indications, contraindications, case selection and surgical planning.
  • Soft tissue management: incisions and flap design. Sutures.
  • Hands-on Sutures

Day 2:

  • Hard tissue management: osteotomy, apicoectomy, root-end cavity preparation and filling.

  • Piezoelectric microsurgery.

  • CBCT planning of surgical procedure.

  • Hands-on: piezoelectric microsurgery

  • Hands-on: Microsurgery on anatomical models> anterior teeth

Day 3

  • Hands-on: Microsurgery on anatomical models> anterior and posterior teeth

Dr. Paula Villa

Dr. Paula Villa, DDS, is a highly regarded Endodontist with advanced training in Endodontic Microsurgery from Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia. A Titular Professor and co-founder of the Postgraduate Endodontic Program at Universidad de Antioquia, she also teaches Endodontic Microsurgery.

A former president of the Colombian Endodontic Association and published author in peer-reviewed journals, Dr. Villa combines academic excellence with clinical expertise. She runs a private practice focused on endodontics and microsurgery and has led numerous international courses in Endodontic Microsurgery.

Dr. Paula Villa

Dr. Paula Villa, DDS, is a highly regarded Endodontist with advanced training in Endodontic Microsurgery from Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia. A Titular Professor and co-founder of the Postgraduate Endodontic Program at Universidad de Antioquia, she also teaches Endodontic Microsurgery.

A former president of the Colombian Endodontic Association and published author in peer-reviewed journals, Dr. Villa combines academic excellence with clinical expertise. She runs a private practice focused on endodontics and microsurgery and has led numerous international courses in Endodontic Microsurgery.

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